A Rainy Day And A Step In The Right Direction

A Rainy Day And A Step In The Right Direction

We had quite a rainy day yesterday.

My day off from farm chores was largely spent indoors.

A quick morning trip to our local bison farm to pick up an order of meat,
with a stop at the post office, was my excitement for the day.

We are very lucky to have farmers within a 10 mile radius to raise our meat.

The rest of the day was spent making a huge pot of vegetable soup,
(I made my own stock from bison soup bones)

some household chores and a little knitting...
I found a way to kill two birds with one stone...knitting while biking on our stationary bike.
Since the rain kept me from getting my daily (work)exercise outside,
I decided to exercise indoors.

I have to tell you, I am the worst about exercising.
I always rationalize that I get enough just by doing farm chores.
But, in fact, I know that it is not enough.
So.... I am going out on a limb here and saying that I am going to try to ride the bike indoors
at least four times a week.
(You are my witness....please keep me honest!)

We had a short break in the rain so I took the dogs for a walk out to visit the pigs.

I am amazed at how quickly the rain has knocked so many of the leaves off of the trees.
It's beginning to look like late autumn!

With the exception of what's on the ground,

the apple orchard is beginning to look a bit bare.
(Interestingly, when we arrived home from Tyler's soccer game last evening,
there were three big deer snacking in the apple orchard.)
The pigs will be very sad to see their daily snack time come to an end!

And at the end of the day....

Inside every cloud... there really is a silver lining!

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