What a Way to Start December

What a Way to Start December

Yesterday was an odd day....
a strange,
"glad it's over" kind of day.

Compared to Monday's half inch of rain,
yesterday's three inches were....
well, let's just say,
yesterday's rain was ENOUGH!

As I went about the usual morning chores,
the rain was coming down in sheets...
horizontal, drenching, sheets of rain.
Leaving the house at 6:45 AM,
 (yes, a bit late, but that is another story - see below)
the temperature outside was 58 degrees.
By the time I was finished with the work,
it had dropped into the low 40's and the rain turned to sleet.

I could go on and on about how drenched we were,
but pictures will better illustrate it.

A river now runs through the front pasture.

That river follows the driveway and through a pipe beneath it,
out the other side...

and down to the pond.

The pond was so swollen, that it overflowed its banks.

Accessing the duck hut was a bit hairy.
I tried my best Spiderman impersonation
in order to open their door to let them out.

I spent as much time indoors as possible,
until late afternoon, when the sun finally arrived.
It will be many days until we completely dry out again.
Till then, we will be up to our ankles in mud!

So, why was I late in tending to morning chores????

Because we had a visitor in our garage.

This bedraggled fellow was looking for some breakfast,
when all of a sudden he found himself surrounded by barking dogs.

Hickory backed him into a corner.

Fearful of a bad outcome, 
I gathered all of the dogs and herded them into the house.

With camera in hand, 
I ushered this unwanted varmint out into the yard.

He must have hung around the house for half of the day, 
because at another point later in the morning,
Oakley and Sam were chasing him from beneath the front deck.

It's worrisome to me, because usually a raccoon out in the daytime
is rabid.
I'll be keeping a close eye out for him in the coming days.

It's funny how even rainy days are filled with adventure!
Such is life in the country.

The best part of the day was a visit from my little buddy.
With the end of the rain, Tyler and his Mommy emerged from
the little guest house, and stopped in the garage for a quick picture
before coming inside for supper.
Yes, I know, he is adorable!!!

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