A Sunny Day And A Pantry Re-hab

A Sunny Day And A Pantry Re-hab

Yesterday morning started with the promise of sun...

another amazing sunrise...

another bitter cold morning!

By afternoon, the sun had made good on its promise,

and I had the pleasure of doing afternoon chores with the sun on my face.

It's amazing to me how our bodies adapt to the cold.
In the autumn, when the days hit 50 degrees, my hands freeze and the gloves are donned.
Now, after such a cold winter, my hands are no longer cold at 25 degrees and I can work without gloves.  At 32 degrees, the jacket comes off and I work in a sweatshirt.
Weird, huh?

It seems these days that most of the animals spend their days in a holding pattern.
The goats rarely veer from the paths they've walked in the snow.

The chickens wait patiently for the day when grass is once again visible.
"We'll take the high roost...."

"and you'll take the low roost..."

The hours between morning and afternoon chores were filled with a pantry rehabilitation project.

From last week's questions...

Karen asked:  
"Show us your pantry....I love seeing all those canned goodies you spent the year making."

Today is a great day to share my pantry with you...
as I spent most of yesterday re-organizing it.

I started years ago to collect old jars for pantry storage.

Just recently I found a blogger who had made downloadable pantry labels that I really liked.

I printed them off on clear sticker paper...

and then realized that I had 36 more jars for which she had no labels.

I got to work with dictionary.com and wrote my own labels for the remaining jars.

Then I emptied, re-washed, labelled, and re-filled the jars.
I washed the shelving and reorganized.
Presto! Chango!  
Sorry (I'm not really!) that I cannot show you what it looked like before!

Our basement has a corner room (unheated) that acts as a secondary pantry.
Here we keep our meat freezer and all of the canned goods from the farm.
This is what is left from last summer...

What little time I had left over was spent finishing this cowl...

and working on the spots for this baby hat.

If you are interested in pantry jar labels, I can send you the rest that I wrote myself.

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