AG Journal Online is Full of BS

AG Journal Online is Full of BS

"I have it on good authority that FDA has received more calls from consumers over the recent and ongoing pet food contamination situation than it's received on any issue in the history of the agency," Kopperud said. "There's something out of balance when a pet food recall affecting less than 1 percent of all pet food sold in the U.S., and having victimized less than 20 animals - more than half of which succumbed during a research trial - generates that much consumer angst and action.
~AG Journal Online

First off I am outraged that Whiskers and all the other pets that were MURDERED by Menu Foods aren't being counted. On March 23, Pet Connection was reporting over 1,000 pets KILLED by Menu Foods. 1,000 doesn't seem like a few animals to me and they weren't victimized they were murdered. As there are still sick animals due to the pet food fiasco, and new brands are being recalled everyday, sad to say that the final tally of pets killed will be well over 1,000. I wonder if the AG would show the same callous disregard for life IF it had been a baby food recall. Would they say "only a few babies died, so whats the big deal?" If you naivly belive that baby food is safe, this should send chills down your spine.

Fears about the tainted ingredients have now been extended to the hog and poultry industries, where thousands of animals are believed by USDA to have consumed similarly contaminated products. Those animals are being prohibited from entering the food chain, despite minimal risks to human health.

I don't care IF the risk to human health is minimal I don't want to eat contaiminated food, I don't want to feed it to my family and I don't want to feed it to my pets.

The whole episode is likely to incite more regulation of feeds, imports and any activities that fall under the jurisdiction of the Food and Drug Administration,

Good if the pet food recall has taught us anyting it's that we need more REGULATIONS and closer scrutiny of our food supply.

HT Pet Connection Blog

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