All You Need is Love

All You Need is Love

Take one empty puppy...
fill her with as much love as possible
and a few good meals...

and a magical transformation happens!

Annie's first full day on the farm was a huge success.
She is laying at my feet as I type this blog,
completely relaxed.
Beside her...Sam and Oakley are asleep.

Sam and Oakley seem to be tolerating her well...
Sam is curious,
Oakley is just a little jealous.
(He crawls into my lap every chance he gets and covers my face in kisses....
I reassure him that he is still my most favorite black boy dog.)

Potty training is going well.
She seems to understand that the purpose of going outside is to evacuate one's coffers.
It helps that it is rainy fun to play out in the rain!

She learned the game of fetch in no time.
She is so very eager to please.
Training will be so easy with this little girl.

Now.....the mystery of her humble beginning may be unfolding...

Our friend Anna (who often helps around the farm) has a sister in law who just received
a puppy the same age as Annie...same build, same size, same coloring, same looks...
Her puppy was dropped off by a "breeder" who could not sell the litter.
Supposedly, this litter is half Lab, half Bull Mastiff.
We don't know for sure if Annie is part of this litter, but it is a little suspect.
So if this is the case, our little Annie won't be little for very long.
We'll see.
And I will keep you up to date!

And if life weren't crazy busy enough,
I just received 40 newly hatched chicks to tend to...

Buff rocks, Auracanas, Buff Orpingtons, Red star, black star, turkens,
silver laced Wyandottes, and one surprise Polish Crested (all females...supposedly)
so many lives to care for...

Life on the farm is never boring!

"Errrr-er-er-er-errrrrrrrrrrrr!" crowed Milford, "There's a dog in the pasture...everyone RUN!!!" O'Malley: "That's just Annie, Milford...she's not a dog, she's a puppy." Andy: "A puppy...yes...and a mildly annoying one at that!"...

- Reform School For Annie
Our Annie has left the puppy stageand made the transition to adolescence. And (if you have had dogs then you know this all too well) with adolescencecomes a whole new set of "problems". Our Annie has been causing a few problems around the neighborhood,as...

- Running With The Big Dogs
Well, the cold weather hit us hard.Fruit trees that were in blossom will have lasting effects...the rest of us will move on. Yesterday brought sunshine (cold temps) and bright blue skies.Hubbs finished work a little early,giving us time for a hike (jog)....

- All In A Day
I've got to tell you...I love question and answer!You help me think of things to write about with your questions. Karen:  "Why are there marbles in the water container...for the chicks?" I always put something in the water reservoir for newly...

- Sunday Surprise
What a surprising weekend this turned out to be!We had our scheduled visit from Tyler on Friday until Saturday evening. We had a great time...making countless batches of Playdoh cookies,and spent a little time outside with the animals. Looking for duck...

