Am I Dreaming?

Am I Dreaming?

I think I may be in the middle of a very long and involved dream.
And if this is a dream, I don't want to wake up!

In this dream it is March 22nd and it is sunny and 75 degrees out.
Bird songs fill the air.
The grass is green.
The deciduous trees are in full blossom.

All of this is at least a month early.

So, I must be dreaming!

Seriously, though, for those of you who are in the North West and still held 
in Winter's icy embrace....
I offer you a taste of Spring!

I noticed yesterday as I was hauling loads of mulch...

that as I passed the willow trees beside the chicken coops...

there was a rather loud hum...
almost the sound of electricity buzzing through high tension wires.

It was our bees!
They are happily buzzing around all of the blossoming trees
gathering nectar and getting a rather huge jump start on honey production.

You can see them in that last picture...
flying between the branches.

So, if this is not a dream, then I have to say...
this is the earliest in my entire life that Spring has arrived.

Ginger and MaryAnn's yard is outfitted with an umbrella and plenty of water.

It won't be long until these gals prefer to spend their afternoons in a puddle of water (mud)!

If you are still in the midst of winter like weather,
hang on...
I promise Spring is on its way.
And I must say it is glorious!

PS...In case I am dreaming, would you please be so kind
as to NOT wake me up!

Have a great weekend!!
We will be tending gardens this weekend and will be back Monday with more
Tails from the Farm!

- A Wonderful Sight To Bee-hold!
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- To Bee Or Not To Bee
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