Dream, Dream, Dream

Dream, Dream, Dream

I have a confession to make.
I have to escape.
I can no longer face the snow and ice and rain and slop,
mud and muck and end of winter filth.

I have to get away....
escape to a place where none of this exists.

So, today's post will have no pictures of the current state of things.
No, today's post is a fantasy...
a dream...
make believe....
for now, at least.

In my fantasy world, my grass is green.
My blueberry field is freshly mulched, with
leaves on the bushes....

In my dream, I am picking strawberries in my freshly weeded patch,
my faithful TomTom keeping me company....

In my dream there are newly born kids in all the warming huts...

Butterflies lazily float from flower to flower in my
beautifully manicured flower beds....

My horses are clean....

And their hooves are freshly trimmed.
Happy little horses....

My chickens are out and about (and fully feathered)...

In my dream, the garden is brimming with fresh produce,
and the fruit trees are ready to harvest...

Ahhhh, I am warm and dry and loving the sun on my skin
and the soil in my fingers.

What's that you say?
"Wake up"??
It's only a dream??
There is still snow and ice in my world??

Well, so much for fantasy.

"Have patience," I tell my self.

Today this may be a dream.
But soon, very soon, this will be my reality.

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