An Early Start

An Early Start

Today I am short on words, long on food preparation.
I have much to accomplish, baking, and farm chores,
so this post will be a bit brief.

Just a moment in time...

one that made me happy....

one I'd like to share with you!

A beautiful sunrise,

and friends from across the fence...

exchanging an early morning greeting.

I am so thankful that I get to start my mornings out like this!

PS:  Today we are doing pregnancy checks on our fainting goat does
by ultrasound.
I will tell you the results tomorrow....
and maybe even have ultrasound photos!

- Early Morning Pasture Inspiration
Early mornings in the pasture are splendid these days!The sun is up so very are the birds. The equines go out to pasture early in the morning and enjoy the first few hours of the daymunching and exploring. It's my favorite time of day...

- More Donkey Love
Thanksgiving is almost upon us...and we have so very much to be thankful for, don't we? Our family celebrates on the day after that our kids don't have to rush around seeing double families on Thursday. So, today and tomorrow...

- Biting Off More Than You Can Chew....
Dear friends,I have found myself behind the 8 ball so to speak...trying to get chores finished up and pack and get out of town for a 2 day conference.... Sadly, I did not have time to write a proper post for today or tomorrow.I am leaving you with just...

- Happy News
Missy is pregnant with twins!! This is especially good news for the farm. About a month ago we did pregnancy checks on the three female goats that were bred this Fall. Myrtle and Jill both had babies on board, but we could find no evidence of fetuses...

- Babies On Board
Becky and I braved the frigid temperatures and checked our female fainting goats for pregnancy. This involves shaving a patch of fur on their underbellies and applying a conductive jelly (brrrrrr, cold!) and then moving the ultrasound probe around against...

