Biting Off More Than You Can Chew....

Biting Off More Than You Can Chew....

Dear friends,
I have found myself behind the 8 ball so to speak...
trying to get chores finished up and pack and get out of town for a 2 day conference....

Sadly, I did not have time to write a proper post for today or tomorrow.
I am leaving you with just a little snippet each day, instead.
I had the best of intentions.

I failed.
(standing in the corner with a look of shame)

The great thing is...
I know you forgive me.

that's just the way you are!

So, if you stop by tomorrow...I will have just a little something to tell you.
I promise to be right back here early Monday morning with tales to tell...
pictures to share...
and lots more Autumn at the farm!

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- Rain Delay
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- Refreshed!
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- An Early Start
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- Subject Matter
Each day when I compose my blog post,I worry that tomorrow I will have nothing to say, nothing to write. And then tomorrow comes and it is as full as today.I guess I should stop worrying about this. Take yesterday for example.... I began the day in the...

