And The Tour By Drone Continues...

And The Tour By Drone Continues...

In order to give you a little better "lay of the land",
here is some more drone footage.

This first clip shows views from above the fainting goat yard...
then progresses to the Nigerian yards and the chicken yards.

The second footage starts down the road and approaches the driveway to the farm
going by the pond...
up to the driveway sign, old log cabin, and bee yard.
It then processes into the front pasture, where you can see just what the horses
think about the drone.
From there it heads up the driveway to where the drive splits.
It takes the lefthand turn through the orchard, past the sheep and pigs
and on toward the barn.

I hope this gives you a little better spacial feel for how the farm is situated.

This is the end of drone footage, until the wedding video is finished.
I'll share that with you when it is finished.

- Birds' Eye Views
One of my every-afternoon chores is to gather eggs from the henhouses.And every afternoon when I open this henhouse door... it becomes a scene from the movie The Birds!A flock of starlings escapes the cold each day...eating the chicken feed in this house...

- Setting The Scene
There are some blogs that I read daily,and (due to a lack of time) others that I catch with less frequency.I love these glimpses into others' lives...most with whom I share a common love of animals. I often wish I had a tour of their homes, farms,...

When I start out each morning for AM chores,I head down the driveway,open up the Roos and the chicks, and then continue on down the driveway to the roadand on to the pond. Once the ducks are fed and I am back on my way to the barn,I am usually greeted...

- More Signs
I have been busily trying to finish up hand painting our farm signs, so they are ready to hang when construction is finished. The final sign is this one that will hang at the roadside beside our long driveway. It is two sided and has the same design...

- The Ups And Downs Of Goats
I have wonderful video footage of these girls playing on their see-saw....up and down and playfully ramming each other, however my video was shot with too high a resolution and I cannot upload it. (Note to self: reset camera and get some IT help to see...

