Tuiren Tuesday ~ A Vistor

Tuiren Tuesday ~ A Vistor

Daddy let the grass get too high and we had a visitor.

A very scary visitor. Here is what happened. Mom was eating supper at the picnic table and she had given me and Fenris our supper too, so we didn't even notice the excitement. Mommy saw a Mockingbird dive bombing something and she wondered what it was after. When it got to a patch of not so high grass, Mommy saw it.

A SNAKE!!!!!!!

Mommy went got Daddy and he made sure it wasn't a poisonous snake, they think it was a Black Snake. Then Daddy, Mommy and the Mockingbird that lives in the Oak Tree in our backyard ran it off.

I got to see Mommy's up front flowers when she took me to the vet for my semi-annual checkup. I thinks they look nice. I got a good report although I have gained more weight. ~Tuiren, reporting for ATCAD

An InLinkz Link-up

- Fenris Friday
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- Wildlife Wednesday
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- Socks Update
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- Orange Dog
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