Autumn Gardening

Autumn Gardening

Amazingly, it is mid October and soon the end of this year's gardening season.
You wouldn't guess that, though, if you looked at my garden.
So much of it is still going strong.

The garden fences are totally covered in flowering vines and gourds...
just the way I wish they were all summer long.

One of my favorite vines is this flowering violet bean vine.
It gets the most beautiful violet flowers and violet beans.

The morning glories are now glorious! 

The zinnias are huge and the lavender is in full bloom.

We are continuing to harvest and eat out of our garden on a daily basis.
Much of this is due to the fact that I put in a second planting of
so many crops.
The tomatoes are almost finished, but the peppers continue to be prolific.

I have harvested a few beautiful heads of broccoli,
and have at least a dozen plants yet to harvest. 

I have begun digging the sweet potatoes. 

This is the harvest from just three plants... 
and I planted 24 plants.
I am going to try storing these in wood shavings in our cold cellar.

No garden tour would be complete without
introducing you to my apprentice....

what fun we'll have together in next summer's garden!

Check back tomorrow for a look at the courting rituals of fainting goats!
Yes, it's that time of year again.
Love is in the air!!!

- Come Stroll With Me
Come stroll with me in the garden.The sun has set and the air is moist and cool. We've had just enough rain this past week for me to ignore the watering,and still, it all is looking like a jungle. The sunflowers are over 10 feet tall! With their...

- Minerva, Master-weeder
Amazingly, since Minerva has taken up residence in the garden, it is virtually weed free (we won't mention that I spent the entire past week on my hands and knees). Regardless, the garden is the best it has ever looked at this point of the season....

- A Garden Gone Wild!
A very moist summer has made excellent growing conditions for our most prolific crop....WEEDS! We have had a fantastic berry harvest this year. Even the wild blackberries that line our woods are bursting with plump ripe fruit (watch out for chiggers,though!)....

- The Life Cycle Of Gardening....
Bee Haven Acres is coming into the close of our harvesting season. We are inundated with tomatoes, corn,and peppers but most of the other vegetables have gone to seed. Our last zucchinis, cabbages, cucumbers, green beans and broccoli were harvested this...

- Garden Explosion!!
It seems like just yesterday, I was planting seeds in tiny pots in the greenhouse. Now, months later, cold weather is just a memory and the dog days of August are upon us, and those tiny seedlings are mature plants bursting with produce. Thirty tomato...

