Come Stroll With Me

Come Stroll With Me

Come stroll with me in the garden.
The sun has set and the air is moist and cool.

We've had just enough rain this past week for me to ignore the watering,
and still, it all is looking like a jungle.

The sunflowers are over 10 feet tall!

With their smiling faces seeking the sun's energy.

The zinnias are 4 feet tall
with blossoms opening daily.
I could cut a bouquet of flowers daily and not run out of blooms.

Don't they just make you smile?
If you don't have zinnias in your garden,
next year you should!
I promise you will love them too.

Look at my sweet potato vines!
Now, they really know how to think outside the box.
Oh, how excited I am for their harvest.
(I'll be sure to share that with you!)

We have tomatoes of all sizes, shapes,

and colors.

All colors and shapes of peppers...
most of them hot, hot, hot!!

Ooooooh, chee-wah-wah! These are HOT!

Be careful,
you never know when you might run into a wild beast in this jungle!
Here are a couple of wild jungle cats....

With fall right around the corner,
we are ready for pumpkin treats with several of these little cuties
ripe and ready.
Can't you just smell the pumpkin pies?

I can't believe my eyes....
we are still getting little asparagus shoots...
so sweet and tasty,
I eat them raw as soon as they appear.

A second planting of several plants...
like carrots
something new:
parsley root!
Have you ever heard of it?
I hadn't.
So, I just had to try it.
Supposedly, (and it isn't parsley at all) it grows a root like a parsnip
and can be used in soups and stews.
I'll let you know!

We never get enough broccoli,
so I have 12 more plants growing for fall harvest.

As well as lettuces, beets, cauliflower, and


I had better get busy and harvest these...
brussels sprouts.
Didn't you just hate brussels sprouts when you were a kid?
I sure did.
But now I love them.  

Remember how I wanted my garden fence to be covered in vines?
Well, it almost is....

Morning glories, and black eyed Susan vines....
with happy faces.

And one corner just covered in grapevines.

And an unbelievable amount of fruit!
Aren't these just lovely?
Sour grapes!
No, really....they are really sour.
Just give them a few more weeks, and then they will be yummy sweet!

What I have omitted are the weeds. prolific as all of the veggies and fruit are,
the weeds are even more.

The gloves are on and I am pulling.....
and pulling....
and pulling....
Would you like to come help me?
If we all worked together, we could weed this garden in no time.

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