Autumn In The Garden

Autumn In The Garden

If you've read my blog for a while,
then you will know how I love signs!
I couldn't help but think that my newly planted garlic patch needed a sign.
And so I got to work creating one.

Besides looking cute in the garden,
this sign will serve as a reminder next spring to not plant anything in that
particular raised bed.
(Goodness knows, without the sign I just might forget!)

Temperate weather has helped extend our garden season this year.
Incredibly, we are still harvesting cucumbers, tomatoes,
peppers (hot)

and sweet.

The purple sweet potatoes lie beneath the ground ready for harvest,

but still are producing delicate purple blossoms.

This chard has been growing since May...
providing yummy greens for 6 months of dinners!

Fall lettuce has made for tasty salads of late.

Beets for roasting...

not to mention carrots and broccoli.

There are 12 new cabbage plants growing that will hopefully reach maturity
so that we can make another batch of sauerkraut this winter.

Inside the greenhouse I noticed this plant growing out of the stones...

and nestled in it's foliage... a pattypan squash!

I hope to keep this plant growing in the months to come!

Another surprise found amongst the zinnias...

a guinea egg, forgotten by it's mother...
no hope for development (guineas are lousy parents).

While at the garden, I check on Rosalie and her new pal.

We moved Ivanka, the Transylvanian naked neck chicken, to the barn
so that Rosalie would have a friend.

These two have hit it off well, and spend their days gossiping over tea and crumpets.

- Mr. Mischief
You guys are the best!Really!I was so excited yesterday when I found the photo of the bear...and your comments mirrored my excitement.Thanks so much of sharing the fun with me. Yesterday afternoon, while cleaning up manure piles in the front pasture......

- Garden Views
I am so happy I could just dance! "Why?"  you ask. Because gardening in my raised boxes is such a joy.... and the boxes are growing like gangbusters!This box is loaded with sugar peas and a couple of cabbages in the front. The sugar peas are just...

- A Garden Gone Wild!
A very moist summer has made excellent growing conditions for our most prolific crop....WEEDS! We have had a fantastic berry harvest this year. Even the wild blackberries that line our woods are bursting with plump ripe fruit (watch out for chiggers,though!)....

- The Life Cycle Of Gardening....
Bee Haven Acres is coming into the close of our harvesting season. We are inundated with tomatoes, corn,and peppers but most of the other vegetables have gone to seed. Our last zucchinis, cabbages, cucumbers, green beans and broccoli were harvested this...

- Garden Explosion!!
It seems like just yesterday, I was planting seeds in tiny pots in the greenhouse. Now, months later, cold weather is just a memory and the dog days of August are upon us, and those tiny seedlings are mature plants bursting with produce. Thirty tomato...

