Thank you Islay

Thank you Islay

Islay gave us this lovely award. For those of you who haven't meet Islay yet, he is a handsome pup who blogs at Charlie's Dog Blog.

We are suppose to tell 7 things about ourselves and pass this award on to 15 bloggers who you have recently discovered and who you think are fantastic.

  1. I am a diluted calico
  2. I am very demanding and want what I want NOW.
  3. My nickname is Kitty Cow.
  4. I like to hunt
  5. I spend most of my time under Mom & Dad's bed or on top of it.
  6. I love to climb
  7. I am a love bug and demand that Mommy give me loving instead of folding laundry.
  1. I am the oldest of the fur kids.
  2. I have my own theme song that Daddy made up for me.
  3. I like to stay out all night in the Fall, the beans do not like this and get very cross with me.
  4. I came from Grandma's house. 
  5. I like raw shrimp, but I do not like cooked shrimp.
  6. I am very shy and timid.
  7. I love to play with Artemisia, but I will not play with Scylla as she plays to rough. We thinks Scylla was a football player in a past life as she likes to tackle you. Scylla weighs more then me and Artemisia. Artemisia plays very gentle with me, but she plays rough with Scylla.
  1. I came from Grandma's house.
  2. I eat like a pig.
  3. My nicknames are Mouse, Mini Meow and The Butt.
  4. I likes to pester Scylla. Socks says this is poetic justice as Scylla likes to pester everyone else.
  5. I don't mind being giving a bath but I hate being dried off.
  6. I kisses Fenris on the nose.
  7. I don't mind going to the Vet, they oohs and aahs over me.
  1. I loves to play chase. I do not care if I am the chaser or the chasee. I just likes to play chase.
  2. If I catches the cats I just lay down. 
  3. I will share my food with the cats.
  4. I weighed 64# the last time I went to the vet.
  5. I like going to the vet.
  6. I LOVE riding in the car.
  7. My favorite thing in the whole world is sitting in Mommy's lap. I do not understand why she complains about being squashed when I sit in her lap.
  1. I like to read.
  2. I love animals.
  3. I love flowers. I don't necessarily like to garden, I merely do it in order to have flowers. I would LOVE to have a gardener and a housekeeper.
  4. I like to cook, but would like it better if there was someone to clean up the mess I make.
  5. I love being outside and enjoy hiking. I have no desire to camp out over night and the idea of primitive camping (which my youngest son did recently) leaves me cold. NO BATHROOMS, NO RUNNING WATER NO ME.
  6. I miss having horses to ride.
  7. My favorite part of the meal is dessert.
Now for the 15 bloggers who you have recently discovered and who you think are fantastic. This is a tough one. So we are just going to invite our  readers to take the award, if they don't already have it. Although we are going to mention one kitty who is new to blogging Lily Sassymeow, we hopes you will drop by and tell her hi.  ~Alasandra & AFSS

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