Between the Raindrops

Between the Raindrops

Yesterday brought heavy rain showers,
so morning chores were done in rain gear.
At some point you have to just decide that you are going to get wet...and go with it!

Most of the animals chose to stay under cover
(except the horses, of course.... a monsoon wouldn't keep them from going out to graze!)

By the time afternoon feedings were due,
the rain had paused enough for all of us to get outside a little.
With my trusty sidekicks, I headed to the barn.

Of course we stopped to see Ginger and MaryAnn, who were happy to get outside for a bit.

MaryAnn got her usual "belly rubbins" 

and a little attention from TomTom,

while Maddie visited with Ginger.

Hickory (our 17 year old Norfolk Terrier) loves to go along to the barn.
The whole way there, I hear her chanting, "feed the cats, feed the cats, feed the cats."
And this is why....

She loves to clean the cans!

By the time I give the horses and donkeys their afternoon snack,

Ginger and MaryAnn have gone into their house and are staring out the back door,
loudly grunting "Hey, we're starving down here!"
(Pigs are always starving!)
I think that's why they're called pigs!

Next, we gather eggs in all three henhouses,

and head up to feed the goats.

The bucks are still engaged in trying to impress the ladies.
Here you can see that Chip has applied a liberal amount of cologne to 
both his face and front legs!

We all enjoyed the temporary reprieve from the rain.
I have to say, I am loving these Autumn days.
Without the gardening chores, life has slowed down considerably....
giving me time to stop and just enjoy the animals.
I have even started another quilt,
and have planned the one to follow that!

When the rain stops, I will be back out in the garden harvesting our sweet potatoes.
And I will share with you our method of keeping them for an entire year.

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