BlogHers Act

BlogHers Act

BlogHer is launching a new initiative, BlogHers Act, to bring together their 11,000 women blogger members (and subsequently their audiences) to make a difference in a single global cause, as well as to identify the top four issues that women online want the U.S. Presidential candidates to address in the ‘08 election year.

Visit Phat Mommy to read more.

My top four issues.

- Pet Food Recall ~ After Killing Our Pets The Chinese Warn The U.s. Against Smear Attacks
The official statement from China said that problematic U.S. imports from China, including the poisoned pet food, toy trains with lead paint, and toothpaste made with antifreeze were “isolated cases” and “hardly avoidable” due to the rapidly...

- Pet Food Recall Survey ~ Will It Be Accurate?
A Michigan State University veterinary professor is launching a survey to better estimate how many cats and dogs died after eating tainted food and what, specifically, killed them. Federal officials have not said how many animals have died. More than...

- Pets Before Profit
Elaine Vigneault has a pets before profit button for your blog, you can get the button here. Itchmo has a petition for you to sign here. Even if you don't have pets please consider signing the petition. After all what's bad for our pets is...

- Dry Pet Food May Not Be Safe Fda Says
In a news conference, FDA officials said that the apparently melamine-contaminated wheat gluten also was shipped to a company that manufactures dry pet food, but they would not name the company. The FDA is attempting to determine if that company used...

- Special Kitty Pouch Cat-food Killed Whiskers
Many of you who read my blog regularly know we recently lost out beloved cat Whiskers to kidney failure. Today I read in the paper that the Special Kitty Pouch Cat-food that he regularly ate was being recalled because it caused kidney failure in an unknown...

