Pets Before Profit

Pets Before Profit

Elaine Vigneault has a pets before profit button for your blog, you can get the button here.

Itchmo has a petition for you to sign here. Even if you don't have pets please consider signing the petition. After all what's bad for our pets is ultimately bad for humans too. And while the FDA doesn't think that melamine is harmful to humans I prefer a melamine free diet for my family and my pets.

Pet Connection Blog, blogged the FDA/USDA press conference. Even if you don't have pets this is worth your time to read as the melamine has now entered the human food chain. The next button could very well read People before Profit.

- Pet Food Recall ~ 4 Months Later And Melamine Is Still Killing Our Pets
The Oregon Humane Society has confirmed the first known death of an animal adopted from the Portland shelter by pet food contaminated with melamine. The six-month-old kitten, named Sushi, left the shelter a healthy animal on April 16th. But about a month...

- Pet Food Recall ~ Melamine Contaminated Poultry Safe For Human Consumptions, Says Fda
-- Approximately 80,000 chickens exposed to feed tainted with the industrial chemical melamine have been declared safe for human consumption, federal health officials said Friday. After inspections and tests of the animals on several Indiana farms, the...

- Good News Melamine Probably Won't Kill You
Well the good news according to the FDA is IF you eat a slaughtered animal that consumed melamine ( we know hogs & chickens ate feed containing melamine) it probably won't kill you. The bad news more then likely you have eaten some product containing...

- Dry Pet Food May Not Be Safe Fda Says
In a news conference, FDA officials said that the apparently melamine-contaminated wheat gluten also was shipped to a company that manufactures dry pet food, but they would not name the company. The FDA is attempting to determine if that company used...

- New Numbers From Petconnection, 2,237 Pets Dead
This morning from the PetConnection database (8:30 a.m. PT): 2,237 deceased pets (1,257 cats, 980 dogs). I am still trying to deal with the loss of Whiskers, trying to comprehend that 2,237 other pets have meet the same fate is so................................

