Cat Gossip

Cat Gossip

Scylla made sure the chair was safe to sit in. It can hold one cat, one book and a cell phone, so maybe it can hold Mommy (Just kidding Mommy).

Charybdis inspected the patio. It passed muster, but she is very disappointed the humans ran off to Meridian instead of completing the project. Maybe they will finish it this coming weekend if the weather is nice. At least they brought some more rocks home.

After a hard days work Scylla and Sockie~Pooh relaxed on Mommy's rug. Mommy is very annoying she keeps moving the rug back to where she insist it belongs. Obviously it belongs where Scylla puts it. Mommies can be really dense sometimes.

~Scylla, Charybdis & Sockie~Pooh!

- It's Charybdis' Turn ~ 7 Random/weird Facts About Yourself Meme!
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- Cat Gossip
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- Cozy Cats
It is cold at our house. We had frost on the ground yesterday. We had never seen frost before. It is very coldy to your paws. We caught a mole when we were outside. Mommy shrieked when we brought it in the house to play with it. Daddy took it away from...

- Being A Cat Is So Much Fun
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- My Misadventures Outdoors
Yesterday wasn't my day to do yard work. First I took the gruesome twosome (Scylla & Charybdis) outside to play. Charybdis tried to jump into my lap. Apparently she misjudged her abilities she landed about mid way up my knee and dug in her claws....

