Being a cat is so much fun

Being a cat is so much fun

We had the bestest time playing with Daddy this weekend. Mommy said bestest isn't a word and that is should have been best, but it was better then best.

Charybdis is trying to drink out of Daddy's glass. I think she needs to figure out how to use a straw.

Sockie~Pooh is playing with the leaves.

We all had a really good weekend. Mommy got a solar fountain for the butterfly garden, as soon as Daddy sets it up she said we could have the box to play with. That will be so much fun.

Mommy walked down to the pond by herself yesterday evening, she saw a blue hereon. She said they are really pretty water birds. She didn't have her camera, so she couldn't make a picture for us to share. I hope she sees it again when she has her camera, maybe we will even get to see it too. I bet they are pretty birds.
~Scylla, Charybdis & Sockie~Pooh

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