My Misadventures Outdoors

My Misadventures Outdoors

Yesterday wasn't my day to do yard work. First I took the gruesome twosome (Scylla & Charybdis) outside to play. Charybdis tried to jump into my lap. Apparently she misjudged her abilities she landed about mid way up my knee and dug in her claws. Mommy has a nice scratch.

Then I decided to take the kittens down to the Whiskers Memorial Butterfly Garden so they could play while I did some weeding. Sockie~Pooh came running to me with something long and wiggly dangling from his mouth. Needless to say I SCREAMED. Hubby came running which frightened Sockie~Pooh who promptly ran behind the shop and dropped the salamander he was carrying (Huge sigh of relief, I thought it was a SNAKE).

The next clue that I REALLY didn't belong outside was when I stepped on a bee/wasp. My foot is still swelled. Hopefully I can cram it into a shoe so we can go out to eat today.

- It's Charybdis' Turn ~ 7 Random/weird Facts About Yourself Meme!
Tigger and Samantha at Life From A Cat's Perspective tagged us for the 7 Random/Weird Facts About Yourself Meme!The rules are easy! Just link to the person that tagged you and post the rules on your blog. Share seven random weird facts about yourself....

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- Being A Cat Is So Much Fun
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- Oh, I Wish I Had A Camera!
We spent some time weeding the Whiskers Memorial Butterfly Garden. The lantana is beginning to bloom, it looks really nice. Sockie~Pooh, Scylla & Charybdis had a ton of fun playing hide~n~seek in the rocks. I wish I could have gotten a picture of...

- Charybdis
Charybdis had to go to the veterinarian yesterday for an emergency visit. When I was bathing her I noticed one side of her face felt squishy as the day wore on a noticeable lump had appeared. Hubby rushed her to the veterinarian and she was diagnosed...

