Chickens Love Tomatoes and So Do We!

Chickens Love Tomatoes and So Do We!

Every summer the vegetable harvest kicks into gear in mid-June and continues until the first frost. And every year it seems that what we get the most excited about is the first ripened tomato. I guess that of all the produce that we harvest or buy at market, there is nothing that can come close to a homegrown tomato bursting with juicy flavor. Finally this week our tomatoes have begun to ripen and oh, how wonderful they taste! Some of our cherry tomatoes ripened and split, so those were given to the chickens. Chickens love tomatoes. That is evident as the first handful hits the dirt and the girls scurry to pick them up and then run off to the far corners of their yard as fast as they can. Sharing is not one of their better qualities. When it comes to tomatoes, chickens are quite stingy.

- And Now A Word From Our Sponsor, The Tomato!
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- Vegetable Lovers
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- Garden Explosion!!
It seems like just yesterday, I was planting seeds in tiny pots in the greenhouse. Now, months later, cold weather is just a memory and the dog days of August are upon us, and those tiny seedlings are mature plants bursting with produce. Thirty tomato...

