Land Spreading Out So Far And Wide....

Land Spreading Out So Far And Wide....

Keep Manhattan, just give me that countryside!

Hubbs and I often sing the old "Green Acres" song...
only I'm singing the Eddie Albert part and he's singing Eva Gabor!

There's something about the country... the smells, the sights, the peace and quiet...
that I wouldn't trade for the world.

I have gotten so spoiled living here in rural Pennsylvania...
no traffic lights, no traffic.

Running errands takes me past some of the most quaint scenes...

And nothing makes my heart skip a beat quite like the sight of an old tractor!

We live in Amish country...but I'm sure you have already figured that out.
The countryside is dotted with beautiful farms.
Rolling hills and woods abound.

One of my favorite errands is a trip to an Amish tomato farm.
They grow their tomatoes in a heated hoop house...
planting the vines in the soil in the middle of winter.
By May 1st, fresh homegrown tomatoes are for sale in their little roadside stand.
Their tomatoes finish just around the time that mine come into the garden.
So, we have juicy fresh tomatoes for 6 months of the year.

The availability of fresh produce is perhaps the greatest benefit of living
in the country...
not to mention the ability to grow our own!

I thought you might like a duckling update...

The ducklings that remain are all doing well and growing quickly.
But sadly, there are only 7 remaining ducklings.

It seems our fox population has been prowling around the pond.

Well, today is supposed to be a rainy day....
seems like the perfect day to pull weeds in the vegetable garden.
I just can't decide if I should wear a swimsuit or rain gear!

- Have I Mentioned That We Have A Lot Of Tomatoes?
I continue to be knee-deep in tomatoes.(Note to self...perhaps 40 plants was excessive.) The vines are beginning to die, but there are still so, so many tomatoes left to finishripening. Yesterday I harvested Amish paste tomatoes and Roma

- Back Up Plan
Yesterday was day one without water at the barn.Getting water out to the animals was a matter of filling up 9 three gallon watering cans at the house to haul around to birds and goats.Luckily I had just filled the horses' troughs before the pump...

- There's Always Next Year!
Those four words have become my garden mantra. Each time I enter my vegetable garden I am overcome with the urge to just incinerate it. As I have called it before, it is my "Garden of Weedin".....with weeds outnumbering vegetables 100 to 1. Still, we...

- Minerva, Master-weeder
Amazingly, since Minerva has taken up residence in the garden, it is virtually weed free (we won't mention that I spent the entire past week on my hands and knees). Regardless, the garden is the best it has ever looked at this point of the season....

- Chickens Love Tomatoes And So Do We!
Every summer the vegetable harvest kicks into gear in mid-June and continues until the first frost. And every year it seems that what we get the most excited about is the first ripened tomato. I guess that of all the produce that we harvest or buy at...

