Christmas by Scylla

Christmas by Scylla

This is mine and Charybdis' very first Christmas. I like to look at the tree, it is very pretty with all the ornaments on it.

This is my favourite ornament. There are lots of animal ornaments on our tree. There is even a dinosaur ornament.

Merry Christmas

from Scylla, Charybdis & Sockie~Pooh!

- Mancat Monday ~ Christmas Past (2007)
 Charybdis is chasing a red dot.  We all wanted to check out what was going on Christmas. Scylla is in the lead here.  And that red dot managed to tire the kittens out.  This is one of my favorite ornaments. Charybdis ready to pounce,...

- Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas ~Alasandra, Socks, Scylla & Charybdis One of our family traditions is to get a new ornament for the tree every year. This year Daddy got Mommy a blue egg when he was in San Diego. Isn't it pretty and sparkly? It came from Designs...

- Thursday Thirteen (the Sockie~pooh Edition)
Thirteen Things about Sockie~Pooh Sockie~Pooh is a very sweet natured cat. Sockie~Pooh isn't any particular breed. The vet list him as a domestic short hair. Sockie ~ Pooh survived the pet food recall that claimed the life of his older brother,...

- It's Beginning To Look....
Due to the fact that yesterday was my day off farm chores(thanks to Jim filling in for me)and also due to the fact that I am under the weather right now(my annual dose of laryngitis).... I spent no time with my precious four legged friends yesterday...but...

- Welcome December!
Yesterday was a day of showers...most of us (critters included) stayed under cover and out of the rain...except for performing the essential chores.Outdoor pictures just didn't happen.I didn't want to risk taking my new camera out in the rain....

