Thursday Thirteen (The Sockie~Pooh Edition)

Thursday Thirteen (The Sockie~Pooh Edition)

Thirteen Things about Sockie~Pooh

  1. Sockie~Pooh is a very sweet natured cat.

  2. Sockie~Pooh isn't any particular breed. The vet list him as a domestic short hair.

  3. Sockie ~ Pooh survived the pet food recall that claimed the life of his older brother, Whiskers (I'll do a TT. about Whiskers in the future).

  4. Sockie~Pooh likes laying in mud puddles when it is hot.

  5. Sockie ~Pooh likes sleeping in my bed.

  6. Sockie~Pooh caught a rabbit for Scylla & Charybdis to play with, but Mommy got mad at him and told him not to do it again.

  7. Grandma & Grandpa gave us Sockie~Pooh.

  8. Sockie~Pooh is Lord Epa's cat, but he loves all of us.

  9. Sockie~Pooh likes sitting in Shining Celebi's lap when he is using the computer.

  10. Sockie~Pooh is 8 years old.

  11. Sockie~Pooh likes sitting on my desk, he gets in trouble because he often has muddy feet and gets my desk calendar dirty.

  12. Sockie~Pooh likes sitting in the jungle gym. He showed Charybdis and Scylla how to get to the third floor.

  13. We love Sockie~Pooh, and he is a great big brother to Scylla and Charybdis.

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- Thursday Thirteen ~#17
Thirteen Things about Pets Snowball - My first cat. I got her when I was 4 and she died when I was 15. Happy~Hoppy - My first & only rabbit I got him when I was five and he died when I was 16. Sir Lass - My dog, he was a Border Collie. Sugar - my...

- Pet Food
As many of my readers know I was planning to make my own pet food. Alas Sockie-Pooh doesn't care for my cooking! LOL ;>). So I wanted to find a pet food that had no connection to that dastardly Menu Foods company that killed Whiskers. These products...

