Circus Acts

Circus Acts

I think if we had more time,
we might take an animal act on the road....
like a little farm circus.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

"The Greatest Show on Earth!"...

The Bee Haven Acres Jumping Chickens.

Two feet on the ground,
ready to jump for...
a Ritz cracker, of course!

And here she is, 
several inches off the ground
with Ritz in beak....

The amazing jumping chickens of Bee Haven Acres.

Ta Daaaaaaaa!!!!

I know,  you are saying that at this angle
it looks as if she might still be on the ground.
But, trust me, please...
she is about 5 inches off the ground.

Do you know how hard it is to catch a chicken in mid air
on film??

Trust me, she jumps!!

Ok, so you might not pay to see this show.
We won't be taking our chickens on the road quite yet!
Someday, though.........

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