Conspiracy Theory

Conspiracy Theory

Read Why Homeschool's post Conspiracy Theory to see if the dumbing down of America's Public Schools was engineered by educators.

- Homeschool Bashing By So~called Progressives, A Troubling Trend
kestrel9000's attack on homeschoolers is only the latest attack in a troubling trend of non-religious liberals attacking homeschoolers. They are so afraid of Christian Fundamentalist they would create a police state outlawing religion if they could....

- Mississippi Returns To The Dark Ages
HB 625 - Introduced by Representative Mike Lott, would require the teaching of creationism or intelligent design in SCIENCE classrooms if evolution is taught The school board of a school district may allow the teaching of creationism or intelligent design...

- Homeschool Regulation: The Revenge Of The Failures
Visit WorldNetDaily to read Homeschool regulation: The revenge of the failures by Bruce N. Shortt, Ph.D. By attacking homeschool parents, Bounds is playing a familiar game. The goal is to distract the public's attention from the abject failure of...

- Words Of Wisdom From The Big Kahuna
It's with great pride I introduce to you the witty and intelligent (he had the good sense to marry me didn't he) Bo Alawine. His column appeared in the Hattiesburg American today. Intelligent design equals creationism Editor's note: This...

- Does Bounds Want To Force Homeschoolers Into The New Virtual Public School Program?
HE & OS gives a Heads Up Mississippi about Bounds desire to scrutinize homeschooling. Could it be a ploy to force homeschoolers to join Mississippi's NEW Virtual Public Schools? Natalie left this comment on HE & OS. VPS passed and was signed into...

