Mississippi Returns to the Dark Ages

Mississippi Returns to the Dark Ages

HB 625 - Introduced by Representative Mike Lott, would require the teaching of creationism or intelligent design in SCIENCE classrooms if evolution is taught

The school board of a school district may allow the teaching of creationism or intelligent design in the schools within the district. However, if the theory of evolution is required to be taught as part of the school district's science curriculum, in order to provide students with a comprehensive education in science, the school board also must include the teaching of creationism or intelligent design in the science curriculum.

Creationism & intelligent design are not science. While we are at it why don't we teach an alternate version of the theory of gravity (I suggest the intelligent falling design), relativity and all the other scientifically proven theories.

In case you are wondering what the intelligent falling design is it goes something like this. Because GOD understands that sheeple can't possibly be expected to understand scientific theories if you are a TRUE BELIVER when you jump off a building to prove that evolution is just a "theory" not a fact (after all gravity is just a theory) he will send the Archangel Gabriel to catch you so you don't go splat.

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