Homeschool Bashing by So~Called Progressives, A Troubling Trend

Homeschool Bashing by So~Called Progressives, A Troubling Trend

kestrel9000's attack on homeschoolers is only the latest attack in a troubling trend of non-religious liberals attacking homeschoolers. They are so afraid of Christian Fundamentalist they would create a police state outlawing religion if they could. He makes such stupid statements as........
We'll look at deceitful propaganda and how it's being inflicted on America's children - aided by irresponsible, misguided parents who place their extremist, antiAmerican religionist agenda above the mental health and intellectual strength of their children - below the fold.

Parents aren't irresponsible or misguided just because they are religious or have beliefs differing from kestrel9000's. Funnily enough one of the complaints kestrel9000 makes is that homeschoolers aren't exposed to diversity and are intolerant, but kestrel9000's own statements show what an intolerant person they are.

Kestrel9000 also fails to address the deceitful propaganda found in PUBLIC SCHOOLS. Apparently deceitful propaganda in public schools is OK with kestrel9000 and those of his ilk. Not to mention the deceitful propaganda kestrel9000 seems intent on spreading about homeschooling.
Nonetheless, 57% of the American population disagree with home schooling (Rose, Gallup, & Elam, as cited in Lubienski, 2000, privatization.) This is because there are many reasons to remain in public schools and condemn the home schooling movement. A few of these reasons are: a lack of sufficient social experience, lack of proper learning materials, and insufficient instructors, as well as a destruction of the public school systems. Therefore home schooling is destructive to the students who are home schooled, and to those who are left in the public school systems....Also, when a child is home schooled, they are not able to experience a variety of teachers and teaching methods. They are confined to their parents or one or two tutors. This does not properly prepare them for what they will encounter when they enter the collegiate level. They will have a difficult time adjusting to their new teachers and the myriad of ways in which those teachers will educate them. Most children who are home schooled have not experienced people of religions, races, and backgrounds different from their own.

I have already addressed the socialization issue in other post so I am not going to address it here. Apparently whoever wrote this bit of propaganda is unaware that homeschoolers can purchase the SAME textbooks public schools use if they choose to do so. We are also free to find more challenging, up-to-date textbooks then the public schools use. As for the instructor bit whoever wrote this propaganda seems to place quantity over quality. Apparently they believe it is better to have 100's of mediocre instructors instead of one outstanding instructor. As for the destruction of the public school system that's not my problem. But does the writer also feel that those couples who choose not to have children are destructive to the public school system? If not why do they believe that my choice not to use the public school system is destructive to it? I still pay taxes that support the public school system even though my children do not benefit from it. The idea that homeschooled children will have trouble adjusting to college is complete and utter hogwash, as numerous studies will attest and as I can address from personal experience.

Kestrel9000 is also paranoid enough to believe that NCLB is some sort of conspiracy to destroy public schools.
From Washington Monthly and a piece by Kevin Drum:

Question: Why would NCLB mandate an obviously unmeetable standard? And now that it's up for renewal, why would Republicans continue to insist on that obviously unmeetable standard?

Answer: Because the 100% goal isn't just rhetorical. It comes with penalties. If you don't meet the standard, you lose money, you're officially deemed a "failing school," and your students are eligible to transfer to other schools. And needless to say, by 2014 there won't be any satisfactory public schools to send them to because 99% of them won't have met the standard.

Followup bonus question: What incentive does anyone have to label 99% of America's public schools as failures? That's crazy, isn't it?

Answer: Anyone who wants the public to believe that public schools are failures. This would primarily consist of conservatives who want to break teachers unions and evangelicals who want to build political momentum for private school vouchers. The whole point of NCLB for these people is to make sure that as many public schools as possible are officially deemed failures.

This, it could be argued, is part of a larger, and more sinister, agenda.

Apparently trying to insure that those children stuck in failing public schools get a decent education is a sinister agenda by the Christian Right to destroy public schools (who knew). There are many problems with NCLB, but does anyone seriously believe this conspiracy theory c***?

What's terrifying to me are the nuts who want to abolish homeschooling because they don't like it. What gives them the right to take away my educational choices for my children? Especially on the basis of false assumptions and jingoist public school defenders propaganda. Here are some of the idiotic comments to kestrel9000's post.

I'm opposed to homeschooling in general, because of its deleterious effects on the public education system, and its potential to result in a parentally-inflicted social retardation. I'm happy that you feel you are a success story. But I also feel the risks outweigh the benefits, and left to me, I would abolish the practice.
Magic 95.5 (800)296-9267 Cobalt6

Luckily it's not up to Magic 95.5 and I sincerely hope it NEVER is.

listen here (0 / 0)
I am a gay man who has been victimized by Joshua's generation and I can and will fight back. Once these people put a Constitutional Amendment on the ballot that targets you and your very place in society come back and talk to me then.

Home schooling hurts society and it is a primary weapon the the religious right. One that needs to be taken away.

And I stand by my statement, the success of the few does not justify the damage to the many.

"My name's Dr. Multimillionaire and I kicked your ass." --Rep. Steve Kagen D-WI to Karl Rove
by walja on Sat Jul 07, 2007 at 07:39:42 PM PDT
[ Parent ]by kestrel9000 on Sat Jul 07, 2007 at 02:13:12 PM PDT

BS homeschooling does not hurt society, intolerant jerks like walja hurt society. Walja seems to think he should have the ability to take away my right to homeschool, this is as odious as the mistreatment of gays. I have the RIGHT TO HOMESHOOL, Walja has the right to be gay. He doesn't have the right to impose his beliefs on me or my children.

Wouldn't be necessary (2+ / 0-)
the law would be the law, and you'd either be willing to send your kids to a school run by profesional educators, surrender your kids to CPS, or shoot at the SWAT team. These would be your choices. You would have no others, especially when considering your children's educational requirements would not satisfy the law in the intervening period of time during which any litigation you might undertake would be in work. Your kids don't get to go uneducated while you litigate. Therefore: Which would you choose?
Magic 95.5 (800)296-9267 Cobalt6
by kestrel9000 on Sat Jul 07, 2007 at 04:54:09 PM PDT

What a horrible world, sounds like Anthem by Ayn Rand or 1984 by George Orwell, no choices just turn your kids and your life over to the state. Again I am glad Magic 95.5 isn't in control. I would choose to get rid of nutcases like Magic 95.5 that think they should be able to dictate how I raise my children.

I am sick and tired of all these so called progressives that think it's perfectly permissible to bash homeschooling and homeschoolers. Apparently they never see the irony in their haste to spread false propaganda about homeschoolers, their insistence on stereotyping homeschoolers and disparaging them and then labeling them intolerant. These homeschool bashers are the intolerant ones and they have no interest in understanding why parents would choose an educational choice for their children other then public schools.

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