Dear Friends

Dear Friends

Dearest Friends and Family,
We have returned safely from our Haiti Mission.
Many of you are interested in our tale....
And we are eager to share it with you.

I will be writing our memories of this life changing experience
on a separate blog page.  

I will share the link with you as soon as I have written some.
We need some time to process what we have seen.

As for the farm....much happened while we were away.
I will update this farm blog ASAP
to share more tales from Bee Haven Acres.

Thanks to all of you who sent your blessings, prayers, and
good wishes with us on our journey.

We are blessed in many ways.

- We Are Doing A Giveaway!
Clean + Green has offered to sponsor a giveaway for us. We will choose Three winners and each lucky winner will receive ONE can of Clean+Green Dog & Cat Carpet & Upholstery.Y'all may remember how handy that came around here recently. So...

- Motivation
I could probably be much more efficient in my work around the farmif I didn't spend so much time behind the lens of the camera. But then...think of how much I would miss! Photography keeps me focused on the beauty around me,rather than the task...

- Making The World A Little Smaller
A question... why do I blog?One answer... because you are there... interested... reading what I write.And yet...not. I have asked myself this question often...especially in times when I feel like there is nothing interesting happening. And then I remember...

- Keep Us In Your Thoughts.....
Hubbs and I will be away from the farm for the next week.We are part of a team of physicians and nurses who will travel to Haitito help treat the chronic medical problems resulting from the earthquake.... (pictures courtesy of J. Spence Reid, MD) January...

- Faqs
Some of you have read my blog from almost the beginning.....a few years ago. And some of you have joined the fun along the way. Quite often I get questions about Becky and "who" she is. Becky is Hubbs' younger sister. Becky, or Dr. Becky as I sometimes...

