Making the World a Little Smaller

Making the World a Little Smaller

A question...
why do I blog?
One answer... because you are there... interested... reading what I write.
And yet...not.

I have asked myself this question often...
especially in times when I feel like there is nothing interesting happening.

And then I remember the days before living on the farm...
the days when I read about others' farms and lapped up every little detail.

Each and every chicken picture thrilled me.

I dreamed of cooking with the food that I had grown myself.

I dreamed of waking to the sound of a rooster crowing each morning,
and enjoying a breakfast of eggs that I had raised.
I dreamed of fresh air, wide open spaces, and the critters that would fill them.

And now I live the dream that I dreamed...
and it's every bit as fun and challenging and rewarding as I had hoped.

And so I blog to share it with you...
because just maybe you have the dream too....
and just maybe the thought of chickens in your yard is as exciting as it was (and still is) to me.

But even more than what I can share with you, 
is what you share with me!

Blogging has made the world a smaller place for me.

I now "know" so many like-minded folk from all over this country,
and even in other countries.
My quiet, rural life has grown rich with friends.

Yesterday I entertained Candice, her husband Richard from Texas
 and their friends Marv from California and Alan from Connecticut.

They brought me my very own Texas armadillo...

and I offered to send a good 'ole Pennsylvania porcupine home with them!

By the end of our lunch together, I felt like we were old friends.
I have my blog to thank for directing good people my way!

After lunch I realized that we had lost Sammy somewhere on our walk.
Guessing that he got locked in somewhere along the way,
I checked the indoor arena...

sure enough!

"Mom! forgot about me!"

In a time when there seems to be so much bad news...
I blog to share the good...
to reassure us all that there is a lot of peace and harmony and love
still left in this world!

Thanks for being a part of it!

While we are making the world a little smaller,
how about we make the world a little warmer, too.
I just finished these two new neck warmers...from the softest, warmest wool...
yes, cold weather is coming!

- Dreaming......
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- Peace And Quiet
I have so many favorite times of each day.Sunrise... when my world is just awakening... Then when the sun has risen just high enough above the horizon that the light is perfectand nature's colors become brilliant and alive... Then later in the morning,...

- Today
We are in the midst of endless gray days...our world painted with hues of white to black and every shade of gray in-between. Some might find this cold, monochromatic time of year intolerable,and yet I find a certain comfort in the quiet stillness that...

- My People, My Piggies
While I was visiting Amy of Verde Farmin West Virginia this weekend,(she is the "piggy Mama" that sold us our new babies)we were discussing all of the friendships we had made in the blogging world. (And yes, you are right -  the pictures have nothing...

- Dear Friends
Dearest Friends and Family,We have returned safely from our Haiti Mission.Many of you are interested in our tale....And we are eager to share it with you. I will be writing our memories of this life changing experienceon a separate blog page.   I...

