Mornings....These Days

Mornings....These Days

Most mornings start out this way...
before the heat of the day slows everyone down...

And while Annie and the horses are getting their exercise, 
I finish morning feeding and head to the garden.

The garden is exploding with life right now.
Each morning as I water the vegetables I can see the change from the previous day.

Meals are homegrown now.
Fresh salads with lettuce...


sugar peas...

The broccoli plants are lush and full...
each cradling a juvenile head of broccoli in its foliage.

The corn gets at least an inch taller each day...

The strawberries will be plentiful this year.
Green berries soak up daily sun on their path towards ripeness.

As I watered and weeded, this fellow warbled his morning song from atop
the gazebo.

Such a sweet serenade!

I am about as happy as can be these days.
The garden is my haven, my heaven.
Time spent here rejuvenates me.
That alone is worth all of the work...
and then to top it off:
homegrown produce to nourish us.
The garden feeds us...body and soul!

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