Do Homeschool Parents Suffer From Discordance?

Do Homeschool Parents Suffer From Discordance?

Greg had this to say about homeschoolers and why our kids are "different"
The choice to home school is very often an indicator of some kind of discordance or mismatch between the way parents perceive the world their children would enter in regular school and what they think that world should be like. It better be! One does not make such a decision lightly. Of course the children of such parents are going to be “different” even if not home schooled.

Just so we are all on the same page here is the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary's definition of
In other words Greg believes there is something wrong with homeschoolers or at least 'different" about parents who choose to homeschool.

But parents make choices concerning their offspring from the moment they decide to bring them into this world, so why is the choice to homeschool such a big deal for some people? Why do they think they should have some say in the educational choice homeschool parents make for their children? And why are homeschoolers being accused of suffering from discordance?

Some women choose natural childbirth while others opt for C-sections for the most part the general public doesn't interfere with a woman's decision on how to deliver her baby, demand statics or insist the woman justify/register her choice with some government agency.

Once the baby is born parents have to decide on breast feeding or bottle feeding. Even though studies have been done that prove breastfeeding is best for the baby no one accuses a mother who chooses bottle feeding of dissonance, not having her child's best interest at heart, of being selfish, or ask her to justify her choice to some government agency.

So why when it comes time to choose the best educational option for your child do some people think something is wrong if you choose an option other then the public school system?

People make choices every day. Some people choose to own their own home others choose to rent. Some people choose to live in the city others choose to live in the country. Some people choose to live north of the Mason -Dixon line while others choose to live south of the line. Some people choose to live in houses while others prefer apartments, townhouses, or duplexes. None of these people are told that they must suffer from discordance if they choose differently then someone else. So why is the fact that some parents choose homeschooling or private schools instead of the public school system justification for accusing the parents of suffering from discordance?

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