Does the Jackson County School Board know something the rest of us don't?

Does the Jackson County School Board know something the rest of us don't?

The uniformed enslaved Jackson County Schools spent $4,500 on insurance for damage done by foreign terrorists.

Approval was given to pay $4,500 for insurance on the district's modular buildings at a Board meeting Tuesday. That's pretty routine except in this case the insurance only covers damage by foreign terrorists. The insurance doesn't cover damage that might occur at the hands of domestic terrorists like the Oklahoma City bombers.

I knew the Jackson County School Board lacked common sense when they refused to provide an opt-out of the mandatory public school uniform policy even though parents sued them, but to spend $4,500 for insurance against foreign terrorist? I can only echo The Mississippi Press' sentiments.

In the terms of school district budgets, $4,500 is a mere drop in the bucket. On the other hand, the $4,500 in expenses add up pretty darn quick. The money would have been better spent in the classrooms rather than a far fetched threat.

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