Drizzly, Dreary, Dark and Dank....

Drizzly, Dreary, Dark and Dank....

I am happy to report that Bernice made it through her first full day in the barn,
and is actually perking up a bit!

Our dried apples were a huge success.
What a sweet, chewy snack they are...very satisfying...and organic!

I am still getting small harvests from the garden...

just a meal's worth at a time.
Our autumn plantings are growing well. 

collards...(which I will admit, I have never before eaten)


Yesterday I harvested saffron...

from our (autumn blooming) saffron crocus.

The saffron is the stigma on the flower.
Each crocus plant can have up to 4 blooms, with each bloom producing three scarlet stigmas.
Dried, these stigma become the saffron that is so expensive at the market.

We are enjoying a very quiet rainy week this week.
And though the trees are robed in Autumn splendor,
some of our plant life (like these grape vines) is going dormant.

The morning glories will remain glorious right up until the first frost.

We have no activities besides the normal farm chores planned for this week.
So it is the perfect week to tackle those indoor projects 
that have been postponed during the summer months.

Each day has a prediction of either drizzle or showers...

so there will be plenty of time for this...

- Until We Meet Again
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- November Is Here....winter Is Around The Corner!
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