Morning Glorious

Morning Glorious

Every spring I plant a few morning glory vines around the tall garden fence.
And by the time summer comes to a close,
the garden is surrounded by glorious purple trumpets.

From year to year, these cheerful blossoms re-seed themselves and multiply.

In multiplying, they are reborn in different colors...

and patterns...

Morning glories make every morning glorious,
but by mid afternoon, they close themselves up tightly...
avoiding the scorching heat...
waiting to once again show themselves in the soft morning sunlight of a new day.

Even a misty, moist morning is glorious 
when viewed from the magical flower-lined space that is our garden.

I've learned to appreciate each day without judgement...
not labeling any weather as "bad", but rather just as "what is".

With the realization that any given day can be one's last...
why label it with a negative connotation.
Each and every day is perfect in its own way.
I don't know about you....but if any given day were to be my last...
I would want it to be perfect!

Have a glorious weekend.
We will be spending ours with family...
squeezing the last bit of summer fun out of the holiday...
picnicking, playing, and enjoying the perfection of the day.

Happy Labor Day to you and yours...
from all of us at Bee Haven Acres!

- Thursday In The Garden
Oh good, we made the meeting this week. Three paw taps right.  Our Morning Glories are still glorious.   A funny little wild flower that Daddy brought home, we likes its pink color.  The buttercup  The Bougainvillea  Zinnias...

- Drizzly, Dreary, Dark And Dank....
I am happy to report that Bernice made it through her first full day in the barn,and is actually perking up a bit! Our dried apples were a huge success.What a sweet, chewy snack they are...very satisfying...and organic! I am still getting small harvests...

- Morning Glories Make The Mornings Glorious!
Yesterday's early morning chores were done with a foggy backdrop.It had rained during the night and the temperature was in the low 60's...quite unusual for the last day of July! I thought we might take a peak at the pumpkin patch... Look at...

I have been missing.Blogger prevented me from visiting with you this past Friday.I am sorry about that. But, I put my time to good use.I have worked and worked.Painted.Weeded.Planted.Mulched. I have been spending my hours in the midst of magic....making...

- Out Of My Gourd!
I am crazy.Crazy, that is, about vines.With the exception of poison ivy,(and don't look at my face right now, it is covered in poison ivy.)(Thank you, Oakley...but that's a different story!) Again, with the exception of poison ivy,I love...

