Eireann go Brach ! by Scylla

Eireann go Brach ! by Scylla

March 15th we participated in The Denny Treasure Hunt and attended the Skyfest at Cashel then we meet our friends at Ashford Castle (there may be a wee bit of time traveling involved, being cats silly things like time do not interfer with our fun).

For those of you who remember the TV show Remington Steele this is Ashford Castle. We are so happy that Charlie suggested we drop by and see it. It is very beautiful and there are tons of things to do. The next time we visit Ireland we simply MUST stay here.

(Photo by Karl) Front row left to right: Sassy, Scylla & Charybdis, Pinot & Momo (dog) Emil, Charlie Back row left to right: Asta, Stanley, Ruis & Karl, Roscoe & Opus, Mrs Oz. MoMo (kitty) & Socks

Here we are standing outside the castle. Charybdis & I don't usually dress alike because people have such a hard time telling us apart, but we both fell in love with this adorable outfit. So we decided everyone would just have to deal with us being dressed identically. After all we don't look identical, there are LOTS of ways you can tell us apart, just ask Mommy (I am the one constantly in trouble).

(Socks) Scylla is also the more demanding of the twins.

We joined Ashford Castles historian, Captain Patrick, on his award winning voyage of discovery to the island of St. Patrick. Captain Patrick took us to the monastic site on Inchagoill Island to see St Patrick's Church built by St Patrick in 450AD (according to legend).

We saw this memorial stone which is facing the front of a small church , named Templepatrick (St. Patrick's Church) it has an inscription on it. The inscription says, "Lie Luguaedon macci Menueh" (Stone of Luguaedon son of Menueh),This is the oldest inscription in Ireland done in Roman letters. This is said to be the burial place of St Patricks nephew and dates back to around 500 AD,and may be a transliteration of an earlier Ogham inscription.

After exploring the island we were very hungry so we decided to have another picnic.

(Photo by Asta food by Sassy)

I am contenting myself with a very small hotdog. If another defective building goes splat, no one is going to be able to point their finger at me this time. And you didn't hear this from me, because I am not as rude as certain felines in my family, but I seem to recall that Charybdis ate her fair share of pizza when we were in Pisa and that she is the one that suggested we should play thundering herds of elephants. I just thought it was a good idea and invited everyone else to join in. But I would never tattle on her and I am certainly not catty even though I am a cat.

(picture by Karl, leprechaun by Charlie) I think someone may have indulged in too much green beer or maybe it was the catnip as we have plenty of both but then again Ireland is majical and it is very possible some fairy folk were playing pranks on us. What do you think?

(Photo by Opus & Roscoe edited by Sassy) Left to right: Stanley, Karl, Ruis, Roscoe, Momo~dog, Opus, Asta, Scylla, MoMo~kitty, Sassy, Charybdis, Emil, Charlie, Mrs. Oz Front: Little Pinot

We joined the Furry Irish Bagpipe Band. Playing in the band was very hard work. But we did an excellant job and wowed our Irish host.

Charybids and I are trying to learn Gaelic. Eireann go Brach ! means Forever Ireland! Charybdis will do tomorrow's post. We have lots of fun stuff planned so be sure to drop by to see what we got up to. In the meantime visit our friends; Kitties - Sassy, Karl, Emil, Mrs Oz, Ruis, Opus and Roscoe, MoMo Doggies - Asta, Stanley, Momo-dog and Pinot, Charlie and see what they have been up to.

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