Family Fun

Family Fun

What a gorgeous weekend it was.

It was a fun, fall family farm type of weekend for us!

A visit from Tyler and his Mommy was the highlight of Saturday.

We took Tyler to a local farm that has opened their doors as a "Family Fun Farm".

They turned several acres of their farm into a play land for children of all ages...

with a huge hay bale maze....

through the castle door and into a labyrinth....

There were pedal cars for young...

and old....
(yes, that's Hubbs on a pedal tractor, racing with Tyler)

rubber duck races...

(water pumps on water tubs with gutters for the ducks to float down)

a cow train...
(How cute is this?  I think I'll have to procure a few white barrels and make one of these!)

a hay mountain with slides...

The creativity that went into this attraction just amazed me.
Nothing high-tech, just good ole farm stuff.
I love simple, fun activities like this!

Once back home, we made our rounds on the gator and visited all of the animals.

Ritz treats for the goats....

And lots of Ritz for Tyler, too!

Tyler at two is everything a two-year-old could be....
capricious is the best word I can think of!

Don't let that smile fool you...
it can change at the drop of a hat!
Especially if he sees one of these....(screaming his head off!!)

Finally I wanted to share with you a special website...
a friend...
who is an artist and makes the most adorable felted wool animals.

She also paints, and painted a picture of Moonbeam.

This picture for inspiration...

yielded this beautiful watercolor.

I think she captured him perfectly!

Please stop by and visit her website and check out the adorable creatures
that she brings into the world!

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