Weekend Wrap-Up

Weekend Wrap-Up

It was a cold, gray, drizzly weekend...
but there was a bright sunny spot that I basked in...

Tyler spent the weekend on Grammie's farm!

We spent our days playing Legos, doing puzzles, playing with play dough, 
and playing with the set of Brio trains that I saved from when my kids were young.
There was plenty of pirate play as well!

Even the dogs became pirates....
poor Sammy was in the brig!

We visited with the farm animals, and Tyler helped with the chores!
Feeding the donkeys...

and giving hugs...

Feeding the pigs...

Giving the goats a cracker treat...
(one for the goats, two for Tyler...and so on...)

We visited Leo in the hayloft...
(and played "king of the mountain" on the hay piles.)

It was a very full weekend...
and made lots of memories.

This coming week I am getting the sewing machine out...
and will be whizzing away working on new aprons for our local coffee shop.

If I have any time left over for relaxing, I will be working on these...

I hope to make a bunch of these stocking caps for babies...to sell.
Too cute!
(Now, we just need another baby in the family!)

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