Family on Friday

Family on Friday

Who spent the night with us. I worked extra hard tiring him out so he would be a good doggie. His parents are going to come pick him up today after they get Chloe from Medvet.

The good news is the specialist didn't think she needed surgery. What he wants to do is put the foot that is in the best shape in a cast. The bones in the toes are fractured but they are basically aligned and the really good news is the toe in the middle which bears most of the weight wasn't broken. The other foot is more problematic as some of the bones are shattered and the bones are out of alignment so he is going to try to manipulate them into alignment and then put that foot in a cast too (she has to be sedated for that). The bad news is she has to be kept still for a very long time no running, jumping etc and the cast needs to be kept as clean and dry as possible for at least two weeks. The longer they can go before having to rewrap it the better as the bones will have a better chance to heal. This is going to be very hard as we are getting lots of rain and our yards are very muddy. Poor Chloe is looking at a very LONG recovery period. We just has our paws crossed her bones will heal properly. Apparently Italian Greyhounds have very little bone marrow in their toes they are almost solid bone.

I tired myself out too, babysitting is very tiring work.

Fenris reporting for ATCAD

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