Tuiren Tuesday

Tuiren Tuesday

Me and Fenris got bones to eat.

Ham Bones!!!!! (Milk Bones soaked in ham juice).

They sure were good.

I ate mine all gone.

And asked Fenris if I could have some of his. He said yes, he wanted to go sit in Mommy's lap. ~Tuiren, reporting for ATCAD

- Fenris Friday
Hello every buddy. I am giving Mommy my come hither look here. Tuiren says I am suppose to play hard to get so I am ignoring her here. I wonders if it will work. According to Tuiren if I wasn't so EASY we would get treats for photo shoots. I went...

- Mancat Monday
MOL I am using the keyboard as a pillow, it drives Mommy nuts. Now that I am awake and off the keyboard Mommy said I could show you the candle holder my Vet made Mommy and Daddy for Christmas. It has bones on it, she gave the doggies some Milk Bones and...

- Fenris Friday
I got a new ball. We named it Mr. Bones. It squeaks when you move it. At first I was afraid of it. Now I guards it. I was afraid someone would hurt it while I ate so I took it to dinner with me. It was very well behaved, it sat quietly in my food bowl...

- Fenris Friday
I am a very Happy Guy, When I one the stuff from Mr. Chewy not only did we get a bag of Chicken Soup dog food and a bag of cat food we got some treats for me. I gots.............................. Mommy likes them because they are good for me. I LIKES...

- Happy Birthday Mommy & Happy Gotcha Day Fenris
Feb 9, 2009(Then) Feb 9, 2010(Now) Do you think I have grown? I have some Milk Bone Treats, Rawhide Bones, Ham Bones and assorted other goodies to share with my Doggie friends. Greenies, Tuna Strips and other cat delicacies are available for my kitty...

