Happy Birthday Mommy & Happy Gotcha Day Fenris

Happy Birthday Mommy & Happy Gotcha Day Fenris

Feb 9, 2009

Feb 9, 2010

Do you think I have grown?

I have some Milk Bone Treats, Rawhide Bones, Ham Bones and assorted other goodies to share with my Doggie friends. Greenies, Tuna Strips and other cat delicacies are available for my kitty friends. We are just going to laze around but we will be happy to see anyone that drops in. ~Fenris 

- Tuiren Tuesday
Me and Fenris got bones to eat. Ham Bones!!!!! (Milk Bones soaked in ham juice). They sure were good. I ate mine all gone. And asked Fenris if I could have some of his. He said yes, he wanted to go sit in Mommy's lap. ~Tuiren, reporting for ATCAD...

- Family On Friday
Who spent the night with us. I worked extra hard tiring him out so he would be a good doggie. His parents are going to come pick him up today after they get Chloe from Medvet. The good news is the specialist didn't think she needed surgery. What he...

- Socks' 13th Birthday
Thanks for coming to my 13th Birthday Bash everyone. I hopes you enjoy yourselves, I am having a marvelous time with all my friends. We has lots of foods for you to eat. Various cheeses, there is sure to be one to please. A very nice selection of seafoods....

- Fenris Friday
I am a very Happy Guy, When I one the stuff from Mr. Chewy not only did we get a bag of Chicken Soup dog food and a bag of cat food we got some treats for me. I gots.............................. Mommy likes them because they are good for me. I LIKES...

- From Across The Pond By Artemisia
A package arrived for us from across the pond! Being a silly kitty I thought Mommy meant from across our pond but she said no she was referring to this thing called an Ocean and that our friend GJ and his Mum live in a place called the United...

