Family Time

Family Time

We had a scrumptiously wonderful Thanksgiving here on the farm...

filled with good food, laughter, and fellowship.

The farm was a flurry of activity for 5 solid days.

All of our kids were home.

Tyler was here.

Old friends.
New friends.

Beautiful warm days and cold, clear nights provided the back drop 
for feasting, playing with the animals,
skeet shooting, camping in the woods,
and hysterical laughter over the silliest of things.

The animals received extra doses of loving.
The chickens received lots of scraps.

All in all, everyone had a perfect holiday.
And now it's back to every-day-farm-life...
preparing for the upcoming holidays,
and readying the farm for the winter to come.

We have ordered new garden boxes that should be delivered soon.
After a summer of endless weeding,
I have decided to take my strawberry patch above ground.
Garden boxes will make the strawberry patch much more manageable
in the years to come.
I will share the "building of boxes" when they arrive.

Last, but not least, I have to share this picture.
And although it is not farm related,
I am sure when you look at it you will understand
why I just had to share it....

Tyler had some professional pictures taken.
I knew you'd enjoy them!
Here is a little smile for you...hope your day is as happy as this!....

- Blue Skies, Sun, And Icicles
Yesterday afternoon as the dogs and I moved about the farm...feeding animals, gathering eggs, filling water buckets and cleaning manure,I was enthralled with the positively beautiful weather. The sun was out and the thermometer had hit a high of 28 degrees...

- Thanksgiving Wrap-up....on To Christmas!!
Well, it's December 1st. I suppose you can say we are officially in the Christmas season.Thanksgiving is behind us, now.All that remains are a few various leftovers in the refrigerator,and a heart full of wonderful memories. Tyler running for a touchdown...

- Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving!from Tom... and Chuck... who are permanently pardoned from Thanksgiving Dinner! And from all of the rest of us at Bee Haven Acres.May your bellies be filled with turkey,and your hearts be filled with loveon this special day of thanks....

- Farm Breakfast
Good morning.Winter has arrived full force on the farm.Our days are blustery cold and clear...our nights even colder. A fire in the fireplace keeps the farmhouse toasty and inviting...a welcomed retreat from the chill of outdoor chores. I wanted to...

- In The Heat Of The Day
What a splendid week of beautiful weather we have had....sunny days, warm temperatures, balmy nights.The warm temperatures have given my garden boxes a jump start.The onions are up about 4 inches.The radishes and sugar snap peas are up.I have spent the...

