Thanksgiving Wrap-Up....On to Christmas!!

Thanksgiving Wrap-Up....On to Christmas!!

Well, it's December 1st.

I suppose you can say we are officially in the Christmas season.
Thanksgiving is behind us, now.
All that remains are a few various leftovers in the refrigerator,
and a heart full of wonderful memories.

Tyler running for a touchdown in the family football game.
Thanksgiving is truly my most favorite holiday.
Without the distraction of gifts, the family time spent together is 
all about play, fun, relationship, and love.

Our holiday was a blast because of our kids.

A family football game in the indoor arena was one of the highlights...
for two legged as well as four legged players!

On Saturday, Hubbs and I took our usual trip through the countryside to our favorite tree farm.

The tree in the foreground will go in our living room,
and the tree to its right will go in the family room.

I will be decorating both of them this week.
(I will share a Christmas Tour at some point.)

The snow is slowly melting, but doesn't seem to inhibit any of the animals
(except the pigs!)

Old Ella Bella spends most of her time beneath a heat lamp these days.

She is getting quite skinny of late.
Her appetite is still good. Dr. Becky says it might be her thyroid.
She is an old kitty...came to us as an adult (a stray that ended up in a shelter) years ago.
An aloof gal for the first few years, she has ended up being a cuddle bug.
Knowing that her days are numbered, I give her a hefty dose of loving each and every day.

Wouldn't the world be a better place if we all remembered that we are only here for
a moment (in the grand scheme of things)...
how much happier we would all be if we stopped to share an extra dose of loving
whenever we could!!

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