Fenris' Flowers on Friday

Fenris' Flowers on Friday

I love sitting down at the butterfly garden. Lately it has been raining too much for us to visit. It is very muddy at our house and Mommy says if it ever stops raining she has a ton of weeding to do as the butterfly garden looks more like a jungle now. So I thought we could look at some pictures Mommy took awhile back and I can dream of visiting my garden.

Way back in June, Mommy actually had to water things because it was very DRY at our house.

This is a pink hibiscus, they are our favourites.

But the white ones are pretty too. They have red centers.

The Mexican Petunias, they like wet feet so they are happy now. They are about the only thing that is happy. Our vegetable garden is drowning. Daddy is going to pull the plants up tomorrow.

Sunshine, boy do I miss sunshine.

The purple wisteria.

Nicely weeded flower beds, boy do I wish they still looked like this. They are snaky looking now which means as soon as it's dry enough Mommy will spend some of MY PETTING TIME pulling up weeds. I would rather she spend it petting me.

Guess I'll take a nap now and dream of blue skies, dry ground and weeded flower beds.

- Thursday In The Garden
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- Mancat Monday
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- Flowers On Friday ~ Charybdis
The Candle Bush has a caterpillar on it. Do you see it? It is yellow like the blooms so it is camouflaged good. We hope it turns into a beautiful butterfly. I love to drink the rainwater out of the fountain. The Mexican Petunias are very cheerful plants....

