Fenris Friday ~ Too Darn Cute

Fenris Friday ~ Too Darn Cute

 It's time for Mango Minister 2012. We are all very excited as we had so much FUN last year.

The hard part is picking a category. Do I belong in ..................Bad Sports, Adventure Animals, Cracker Critters, Too Darn Cute, or Working Stiffs?

Fenris & Artemisia
I thinks Artemisia is Too Darn Cute for words, but what category do I belongs in?

I know I will lets Mommy pick the category.

What did you say Mommy? I thinks my Mommy has gone off her rocker she says I is Too Darn Cute for words.

She says I has the most amazing blue eyes.

And endearing freakles on my muzzle.

A Gorgeous Smile

Cute freckles on my legs.

A playful personality combined with a gorgeous fluffy tail.

A cute little mustache under my nose coupled with a soulful expression guaranteed to melt the hardess heart.

Plus an amazing laugh. Which all add up to 100% Cute.! I guesses I am Too Darn Cute!!!!!!!!!!!
~Fenris Wolf

- Scylla Sunday
 What do you mean I DON'T BELONG ON THE TABLE???????? There are TWO DOGGIES on the floor!!!!!!! I can't possibly get down. Well if you insist. ~Hisses, Scylla Purrs: Eric and Flynn are having a Cute Cat Contest and Mommy talked me into entering....

- Who Dat Wednesday
This is one of the stray cats that has been coming up at night to eat. He is a neutered male and apparently something happened to his tail. He let Mommy pet him. Mommy says his coat feels like silk. We don't know if you can tell from the picture cause...

- Scylla Sunday ~ Bad Sports
Mommy you has entered me in the wrong category. I is much cuter then that big galoot of a dawg you got for your birthday, I is not a BAD SPORT. Enter me in the Too Darn Cute category this instant! Well yes, I did claw the door frame and tear up the weather...

- Fenris Friday
I have been thinking about what category my cats would fit in at Mango Minster 2011 if they were dogs. Artemisia would certainly be in the Shameless Dogs and Doggie Divas category. I mean she is a Tsarina and everything and then there are her numerous...

- To Cute For Words
Don't you think I am cute? Mommy??? (Alasandra: Artemisia I think you are adorable) Whew, I was worried!!! Mommy let Scylla enter the Kitty Fight Club so I thought she didn't think I was cute enough. Turns out I was just too old. Can you believe...

