Fenris Friday

Fenris Friday

I have been thinking about what category my cats would fit in at Mango Minster 2011 if they were dogs. Artemisia would certainly be in the Shameless Dogs and Doggie Divas category. I mean she is a Tsarina and everything and then there are her numerous suitors, and all those pictures of her showing her curly belly furs. Yep Artemisia is a Diva Cat. I think this lovely picture of her makes the case very well. She wanted me to thank Sammy & Andy for finding the purrfect hat to fit her purrfectly tinny head.

Socks would be in the Good Old Boys and Gals category (which is now full) like me. He is a true Southern Gentleman although Mommy says he is more like Rhett Butler then Bo Duke (she thinks both characters are hot though).

Scylla just loves the hat Sammy & Andy placed on her head and says thank you ever so much. And I has to admit from this picture one would think she is another Diva. But since I lives with her I knows better. I couldn't decide if Scylla was Crackers (which if full up anyway) or a Bad Sport, I thinks she is totally insane. But Bad works for her She knocks my gate down letting me out of my domain and into the carpeted areas of the house ( I kinda like this. I am to GOOD to knock the gate down myself, or jump over it but IF she lets me out it isn't my fault is it?) , she is a total toy hog, she shreds the paper in the human litter box room., she shreds the paper towels in the kitchen, she tears up the carpet, she constantly demands to go out and then come in, and she wakes the beans up. Yep she is a BAD CAT, good thing she is also a LOVE BUG. And it is a good thing for all us doggies that they are cats and are entered in the Kittehs category. I sure would hate to compete with them.

Mommy just loves my mustache. She says it is CUTE!!!! And she just wants to plant a great big smoochy kiss on my mouth. Well what are you waiting for, I am all ready to be kissed and drooled over.

- Fenris Friday
We won this terrific prize from Dakota's Den.  They has Pet Cakes by Lucky Paws for Dogs and Cats. These are the ones for cats. You has a tray in the shape of fish to bake (microwave) them in. We were going to show you Mom's cooking but...........first...

- Scylla Sunday ~ Bad Sports
Mommy you has entered me in the wrong category. I is much cuter then that big galoot of a dawg you got for your birthday, I is not a BAD SPORT. Enter me in the Too Darn Cute category this instant! Well yes, I did claw the door frame and tear up the weather...

- Fenris Friday ~ Too Darn Cute
 It's time for Mango Minister 2012. We are all very excited as we had so much FUN last year. The hard part is picking a category. Do I belong in ..................Bad Sports, Adventure Animals, Cracker Critters, Too Darn Cute, or Working Stiffs?...

- Mango Minster 2011 ~ Kittehs
Oh us cats are so excited there is a category in Mango Minster 2011 just for us. Kittehs, since we are cats we should do superb in it. And since Mango's Mom said groups were welcome we thoughts we would enter as a clowder er, we mean group. In case...

- Socks ~ Spay Day 2009 Online Pet Photo Contest
If you go here you can enter the Spay Day 2009 Online Pet Photo Contest, or you can vote (that cost money) for your favourite pet. So far me and Scylla have both entered. We don't expect anyone to vote for us as we know $ are hard to come by these...

