Who Dat Wednesday

Who Dat Wednesday

I got to stay at Grandma's house with Fenris and Tuiren while my sister Chloe went to Medvet.  Chloe is doing better she is in splints now. One foot is doing better then the other but he expects both to heal satisfactorily. One may just take longer then the other. Thanks you for your purrs and good thoughts for her. ~Mister Who, guest reporting for ATCAD

- Fenris Friday
Oh boy, Oh boy, Oh boy, did we have a FANTASTIC 4th of July. Eldest came over and he brought Mister Who and Chloe. Daddy threw the ball for us and we ran and ran and ran. Youngest threw the ball for us and we ran some more. Eldest even threw the ball...

- Family On Friday
Who spent the night with us. I worked extra hard tiring him out so he would be a good doggie. His parents are going to come pick him up today after they get Chloe from Medvet. The good news is the specialist didn't think she needed surgery. What he...

- Woeful Wednesday
Many of you remember Mister Who from when he lived with us. He has a sister named Chloe. She was attacked by some dogs and has two broken front feet and other injuries. She goes to Medvet (where Socks went when he was so sick) for a consult Thursday....

- The Donkeys Have A Visitor
Daphne:  "Hey Chloe...who's that, out in the pasture?" Chloe:  "Let's go find out!" Daphne:  "You go first!" Chloe:  "From where I stand, I'd say she's not from around here." Chloe:  "She looks a little edgy...

- Welcome March!
There's something in the air...barely perceptible, just a hint, a tiny reminder...that Spring is just around the corner. It is, you know, the first of March.By the end of the month, there will be bright green buds on the willow treesand all the rest...

