Fenris Friday

Fenris Friday

 I sure did enjoy the FAKE SPRING we had. It was nice and warm.

 Tuiren rolled around in the grass and I followed Mommy around.

We loved it, than because some STUPID GROUNDHOG saw his shadow it turned cold again. Me and Socks are going groundhog hunting next year, before Groundhog Day,  if the groundhogs are smart they will stay underground and they won't see any shadows. If they come up, well me and Socks will make sure they don't see anything. We do not like COLD WEATHER. ~Fenris, griping for ATCAD

- Mancat Monday
We had some really hot weather, why it felt like SUMMER, now it is back to normal temperatures for this time of year but having gotten use to the warm it sure is hard to go back to the cold. The yard is looking nice the grass is turning green and growing...

- Scylla Sunday (flashback 2014)
I sure am glad we has a picture of the red Camilla. I don't thinks it will have any pretty blooms this year. The bush is OK, but the FROST got the blooms and turned them an ugly brown. I likes to sleep in Tuiren's bed sometimes, I don't mind...

- Tuiren Tuesday
 We took these pictures February 8th. Hard to believe it was nice and warm then. Why some days it was in the 70s.  Mommy's Forsythia thought it was Spring and started blooming.  Me and Fenris had a ball running around supervising Mommy...

- Tuiren Tuesday
When it's cold out I stay inside where it is nice and warm. I do not like cold weather. Mommy says for such an intrepid explorer and escape artist I sure do like my creature comforts. ~Tuiren reporting for ATCAD ...

- Out On A Limb
My days are never boring.No.Never. In fact, my days are so dang amazing that I could write a book.If. I. Only. Had. Time! The farm has taught me many lessons.Perhaps the most important is this.Never, ever go anywhere without your camera...and a fully...

