Scylla Sunday (Flashback 2014)

Scylla Sunday (Flashback 2014)

I sure am glad we has a picture of the red Camilla. I don't thinks it will have any pretty blooms this year. The bush is OK, but the FROST got the blooms and turned them an ugly brown.

I likes to sleep in Tuiren's bed sometimes, I don't mind that it smells like her. She is my sister, even if she is a DOG.

We are having weird weather it's pretty and sunny and in the 70s one day and the next it is rainy and then it gets down to the 30s. I wish the stupid weather would STAY on SPRING. I do not like this bouncing back and forth between Winter and Spring. Enough already, Winter go Away!!!!!! ~Scylla griping for ATCAD

- Fenris Friday
 I sure did enjoy the FAKE SPRING we had. It was nice and warm.  Tuiren rolled around in the grass and I followed Mommy around. We loved it, than because some STUPID GROUNDHOG saw his shadow it turned cold again. Me and Socks are going groundhog...

- Mancat Monday
Mommy thinks it is weird that I don't mind walking in water, in fact if it is hot out I will even lay down in it. Do you like playing in water? Do you thinks I am weird? What weird things do your parents think you do? ~Socks, inquiring for ATCAD Happy...

- Thursday In The Garden
This Camellia is in our neighbors yard it is huge and full of blooms we hope ours will be as large one day. This cactus is blooming in our greenhouse. The Mandevilla  is safe from Jack Frost in our greenhouse too. Some Canna Lilies that...

- Thursday In The Garden
The Camellia is an evergreen and the frost will not hurt it. It blooms in the winter all the way to spring. It is the state flower of Alabama. We thought the Candlebush and the Red Hibiscus looked nice together. Jack Frost killed them though. Now...

- Flowers On Friday
This is Whiskers' grave. We thinks he would have loved the running water. We kitties like drinking out of it, so we are sure he would have too. The verbena is doing OK, we will be glad when it starts growing and fills up the whole bed. This is the...

